It's a blessing to work in downtown area. I went to Macy's (instead of nordstorms, because that's where I caught my bus home) and I, directly went to the chanel section because I love chanel so much! and I got their "primer". After watching videos on youtube, I found that primer might help me because I always got OILY skin after long hours wearing make-up. I heard/watch/read good review about smashbox's primer, but I prefer to try chanel's because I am using their face products (liquid foundation and compact powder+foundation) PLUS its smell sooo gooood!!! I am so excited to try it on tomorrow on thanksgiving day at my sayang's place! It's a little bit pricy tho! It's $45, and because I am in WA state and the tax is like 9% :(, I ended up paying like $49.50... RAWR!!
hey..who's this?? u're another indonesian blogger? lol..nice to know u..i absolutely adore chanel's makeup too!!