Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Experience with Eyelash Extensions

me with beautiful eyelashes :D

These are some pictures that I took before and after my eyelash extensions!

I am very happy with the result.. 
It looks like a very long natural eyelashes. 
I went to Blink Lash Bar in Seattle :)
The place is really girly, clean and relaxing. 
Amber, who did it, seems very professional and quick.
As this is my first time trying eyelash extensions, 
I don't know what's good and bad eyelash extensions. 
I heard horrible things about doing eyelash extensions though. 
I heard your natural eyelashes will start falling off, 
and the extensions will look messy within first 2 weeks. 
I will definitely will post an update about these extensions.


  1. hasilnya baguuuus...jadi pengeen...*o*
    tp kt nya gak tahan lama yaa? huhu
    seandainya bisa selama nya..:p

  2. @severuslovez tahan lama nya tergantung kita jaganya (kata orangnya) cmn yah selama-lamanya cuman tahan 6 minggu sihh... :(

  3. kereeen,, udah ga perlu mascara sama falsies.. itu nanti copot gitu ato rontok?

  4. @Ephong ga tau nih... masih pertama kali... kayanya sih bakal rontok :( cmn aku bakal coba buat posts utk update2 nya deh... :)

  5. bagus yaah bulmatnya :) di jakarta belom nemu yg bisa bikin senatural itu. dan bener dalam 2 minggu mulai berantakan harus rajin di service katanya, tapi males. Akhirnya cabutin sendiri bulmat yg tersisa dan bener bulmat yg asli ikutan rontok dan akhirnya botak deh bolong2 hahahaha

    1. iyah bagus.. i miss having eye lash extension!
      cmn disini jg sama sih, setelah 2-3 minggu udah mulai bolong2.. -_-" tp seharusnya bsa di refill (d isi-in bolong2nya + lem nya di bener2in...) :D
      but still its very HIGH maintainance! and very expensive.. :(


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